Evolution of Industry and Commerce - freeeducontent.com
Industry and Commerce (Business) Evolution In the ancient period the person fulfilled his requirements by exchanging the goods or services with each other. This system is known as barter system. In this system the additional articles or commodities of one's own are given to the needy person & the own's useful commodities are taken from that person, this system of exchanging the goods or comnodities was familiar to the Society in that period. This system of exchanging the goods or commodities fulfills the requirements of society & this system was familiar to very long time. The services were also taken in return for goods or commodities. Bartering is a medium in which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods and/or services without a common unit of exchange (without the use of money). In the barter economy all exchanges were made with goods and services because money didn't exist in these economy. But after some period the need felt of common entity. ...